Ode to the Underrepresented Actor

As a language purist (read: snob) I had to follow up The Last Exorcism with The Last Exorcism: Part II because, well… Absurdity.  Did the creator get the same misinformation being fed to the people who made five Final Destination movies?  Do terminal words mean nothing anymore?! Anyway.  It would seem the creative team got … More Ode to the Underrepresented Actor

The Rules to Successfully Survive a Horror Movie

…in a world of monsters, ghosts, demons, aliens, and civilians doing battle with evil, the horror industry can not use “realism” as an excuse for its misrepresentation. If we made a character in Jaws gay, is the unbelievable part really that there’s a gay fisherman and not that there’s a 25 foot Great White Shark with a personal vendetta against him? … More The Rules to Successfully Survive a Horror Movie