Review: Black Roses Symphony (2019)

Directed by: Vick Campbellruntime: just a lil over 2 hrs. I have vague memories of channel-surfing during the more dreary mornings of the summers of my youth. It was on one such occasion that I would happen upon the Spanish channel, and see a soap opera resplendent with occult themes and imagery. The episode was … More Review: Black Roses Symphony (2019)


Fangboner, or as I like to call it: The Greatest Crotch Vampire Story Ever Told Starring: Brian Papandrea, Emily Hilborn, Sadie Tate, Sheri Darling Director: Nathan Rumler Company: Rock Bottom Video Year: 2015 How does one even go about reviewing the greatest crotch vampire story ever told? It’s not easy, I tell you. I can … More Fangboner

A Pictorial Review of Body Melt (1993, Australia)

No, this is not a review of a 90s R&B album! As a matter of fact this is a Cronenberg-ian body horror ride from the rough guts of Melbourne (Melbin), Australia on the tail end of their New Wave Punk scene. It’s directed by Philip Brophy, former drummer of performance punk band, ➡⬆➡ (Pronounced tsc-tsc-tsc … More A Pictorial Review of Body Melt (1993, Australia)

A Red-Letter Review of Vito Trabucco’s Bloody Bloody Bible Camp (2012)

Virtues: Bloody Bloody Bible Camp fills every promise it makes in its premise and title. It’s a campy camp slasher with a biblical twist. There are quite a few top-notch kills, my favorite probably being this one: Take a drink for every dick joke and you’ll get to where you need to be to enjoy … More A Red-Letter Review of Vito Trabucco’s Bloody Bloody Bible Camp (2012)

[Off-Putting Ride Metaphor] CarousHELL (2016)

“Look, a horse.” “No, that’s a unicorn.” “What’s the difference?” “Horn coming out of its head.” ~Actual dialog from CarousHell In Steve Rudzinski’s Murdercorn movie a carousel unicorn breaks free from its ride prison (due to a “blood-borne pathogen” (a plotline that was ditched pretty early on because second drafts are bullshit amIrigh?) and- more … More [Off-Putting Ride Metaphor] CarousHELL (2016)