[Show Notes] #76 T H E #13

The great thing about having done several trivia episodes in the past is that when we have to come up with a new show on the fly, we can always tap into the wealth of past contestants and trivia books on our shelves. Thus was the case last week, and we were happy to throw … More [Show Notes] #76 T H E #13

[Show Notes] #71 Holiday Horror w/ Charley Reed

Guest Charley Reed I first met Charley last October when we ended up on the same team for the Halloween edition of Rob and Sara’s movie quiz. Unfortunately, and despite our maximum effort, we lost by three points. (STUPID PHANTASM THEME!!! STUPID ANTHONY!!!) The second time I saw Charley was at a screening of Blue … More [Show Notes] #71 Holiday Horror w/ Charley Reed

[Show Notes] #63 Micah Renner and Michael Hulstein

Guests Micah Renner and Michael Hulstein (OJAI) Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Spotify Nonsense Doctors at a Columbian hospital say they have successfully performed surgery on a woman after she said she was suffering from stomach pain. The cause of the pain? She had swallowed between $7,000 and $9,000 in U.S. $100 bills. The reason? To spite … More [Show Notes] #63 Micah Renner and Michael Hulstein