Review of Anne Elizabeth Moore’s ‘Body Horror’ (2017)

body horror
Art by Xander Marro (this amazing throughout)

This is the kind of book that will only get more important as time progresses. In Body Horror Moore dissects misogyny and feminism in cinema, historical politics, industry, entertainment, and finally (and most importantly) the shit show that is our rag-tag medical system.

Adult Swim#01252
Hey. I’m googling my best.

Forgive me for being maybe too obvious, but: Feminism is important because humanity’s issues with the idea reflect much deeper, much more insidious problems with humanity itself. Think of feminism as a beacon of humanity, yeah? Moore points out via example after example the comfortable ways in which our systems are literally consuming us whole, starting with the margins.

This book is gross. This book will make you mad. This book will make you cry. But also, maybe just as essentially, this book will make you laugh. It will make you warm. There’s such a compassion underneath all this thoughtful and surgical rage. Moore is incredibly honest, applying many of her personal experiences traversing Cambodian textile factories and American hospitals with infinite curiosity. She knows her shit. Her knowledge is the kind that can only be obtained if dug for, hard. She has hurt for it. And here it is, in this lovely book!

Have a lady-lightning bolt to the ass, and get ya a copy. K?


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